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Current research projects

Post doctoral research

2022 - Present


Belém - PA - Brazil

Natural capital of the forests in the Carajás forest and surroundings

In this project, the objective is to assess the natural capital based on the biodiversity of the Carajás National Forest to subsidize sustainability programs for the region, taking into account selected plant and animal species and their interactions, carbon stock, water resources and regulation of changes regional climate.

Post doctoral research



Belém - PA - Brazil

Effects of global change on Amazonian Forest  ecossystem services

In this project I ask to what extent global change, in the form of deforestation and climate change, may affect ecosystem services in Amazonia. I quantify tree species richness and composition by using species distribution modelling for a historical (1970-2000), modern 2018 and projected 2050 governance and business as usual scenarios.  Finally, I estimate the effects of global change on ecosystem services values based on (COSTANZA et al., 2014), focusing on tree related services.

Previous research projects

Post doctoral research


ITV/Vale and UFPA

Belém - PA - Brazil

Quantification of the climate change effects over Amazonian tree flora according the Paris Agreement

In this project I aimed to quantify the effects of climate change of all know Amazonian tree species according the goal set by the Paris Agreement of holding global warming below 2° C (and preferably limiting it even further to 1.5° C) above pre-industrial levels during 21th century, in order to assess whether this goal can safeguard the conservation of Amazonian tree diversity. In addition, I will quantify the effects of excluding global warming limiting (possibly reaching 4° C).

Doctoral research


UFPA and Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Belém - PA - Brazil and Leiden - Netherlands

Impacts of climate change and deforestation on Amazonian tree flora 

This project addressed some of the knowledge gaps on impacts of global change on Amazonian tree species, comparing methods of estimating richness and distribution of species of the Amazonian rainforest at different time scales. The project was an interdisciplinary research that related aspects of different scientific areas to understanding the consequences of the two main threats to Amazonian biodiversity attributed to climate change and deforestation.

Barcoding Caxiuanã


Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi

Belém - PA - Brazil

Amazonian tree species barcoding 

The goal of this project was to apply the "DNA barcoding" to all the morpho-species of permanent plots of the terra firme forest in the Caxiuanã Scientific Station (17 hectares) and in the Herbário MG, of the Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi, located in the state of Pará - Brazil. With this new technique, most species of the ATDN Network bank can be identified, and even in the absence of a name in current use, there may be a comparison between the plots. In addition, the genetic information obtained can be used to build models on the evolutionary history of the Amazonia.

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